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  3. Cardio selection tips

Cardio Selection Tips for Bodybuilding and Training

Learn how to choose the best cardio exercise for your bodybuilding and training goals. Tips on intensity, duration, frequency and more.

Cardio Selection Tips for Bodybuilding and Training

Getting the right kind of cardio into your workout routine can be a tricky task. If you are a bodybuilder or an athlete who wants to get the most out of their training, then selecting the right kind of cardio is essential. Whether you are looking to increase your endurance, improve your aerobic capacity, or burn more fat and calories, cardio selection tips can help you create a plan that meets your individual needs. In this article, we will take a look at the various types of cardio and how to select the best one for your bodybuilding or training goals.


Intensity refers to the level of effort that is being put into an exercise, and it is a key factor when it comes to cardio selection.

When choosing the right intensity for your workout, you will need to take into account your individual goals and needs. For example, if you are looking to lose weight, then a higher intensity workout will be more effective than a low intensity one. However, if you are looking to improve endurance or muscle tone, then a lower intensity option may be more beneficial. In order to determine the level of intensity of a cardio exercise, you can use both your heart rate and perceived effort.

Your heart rate can be monitored with either a heart rate monitor or a fitness watch, which is especially helpful for tracking your progress and ensuring that you are working out at an appropriate intensity for your goals. The perceived effort scale is also useful, as it assigns a numerical value from 1-10 to how difficult an exercise feels. Generally, 1-3 would be considered low intensity, 4-6 would be moderate intensity, and 7-10 would be high intensity. Once you have determined the proper intensity for your workout, you can adjust it as needed based on your individual goals.

For example, if you are looking for fat loss, then you may want to increase the intensity of your workouts over time. On the other hand, if you are looking to improve muscle tone and endurance, then you may want to decrease the intensity as your fitness level increases. Here are some examples of low-intensity cardio exercises: walking, jogging, swimming, yoga, and cycling. Moderate-intensity exercises include running, rowing, elliptical training, stair climbing, and jumping rope.

High-intensity exercises include sprinting, HIIT (high-intensity interval training), plyometrics, and hill running.


Duration refers to how long your cardio workout should last. Generally speaking, the length of your session will depend on your individual goals and fitness level. For example, if you are looking for fat loss then a longer session may be more beneficial than a shorter one. On the other hand, if you are looking for improved endurance or muscle tone then a shorter session may be more beneficial.

When determining the length of your session, it's important to take into account both your fitness level and goals. If you are just starting out with cardio exercise then it's best to start with shorter sessions and gradually work up to longer ones as your fitness level improves. Additionally, it's important to note that too much cardio can actually have a negative impact on your goals so it's important to find a balance between too little and too much. Here are some examples of short-duration cardio exercises: walking (15-30 minutes), jogging (20-30 minutes), cycling (15-30 minutes), and jumping rope (10-20 minutes).

Medium-duration exercises include running (30-45 minutes), rowing (30 minutes), stair climbing (20-30 minutes), and elliptical training (20-30 minutes). Long-duration exercises include HIIT (30 minutes or more), sprinting (15-30 minutes), plyometrics (15-20 minutes), and hill running (30 minutes or more).


Frequency refers to how often you should do cardio exercise in order to reach your goals. Generally speaking, the frequency will depend on both your individual goals and fitness level. For example, if you are looking for fat loss then doing cardio more often may be beneficial than if you are looking for improved endurance or muscle tone.

Additionally, it's important to note that too much cardio can actually have a negative impact on your goals so it's important to find a balance between too little and too much. When determining the frequency of your cardio workouts, it's important to take into account both your fitness level and goals. If you are just starting out with cardio exercise then it's best to start with fewer sessions per week and gradually increase as your fitness level improves. Additionally, if you are looking for fat loss then it's best to spread out your sessions throughout the week rather than doing them all at once. Here are some examples of low-frequency cardio exercises: walking (1-2 times per week), jogging (1-2 times per week), swimming (1-2 times per week), yoga (1 time per week), and cycling (1 time per week). Moderate-frequency exercises include running (2-3 times per week), rowing (2 times per week), elliptical training (2 times per week), stair climbing (2 times per week), and jumping rope (2 times per week).

High-frequency exercises include HIIT (3+ times per week), sprinting (2+ times per week), plyometrics (2+ times per week), and hill running (2+ times per week).


Variety refers to the types of exercises that should be included in your routine in order to reach your goals. Generally speaking, the type of exercise will depend on both your individual goals and fitness level. For example, if you are looking for fat loss then doing a variety of different types of cardio may be beneficial than if you are looking for improved endurance or muscle tone. When selecting which types of exercises to include in your routine, it's important to take into account both your fitness level and goals. If you are just starting out with cardio exercise then it's best to start with lower impact activities such as walking or jogging before progressing to more intense activities such as HIIT or sprinting.

Additionally, if you are looking for fat loss then it's best to include a combination of low-, moderate-, and high-intensity exercises in order to achieve optimal results. Here are some examples of different types of cardio exercises that can be used to achieve different goals: Walking (low impact/fat loss), jogging (low impact/fat loss/endurance), cycling (low impact/fat loss/endurance), running (moderate impact/fat loss/endurance/muscle tone), rowing (moderate impact/fat loss/endurance/muscle tone), elliptical training (moderate impact/fat loss/endurance/muscle tone), stair climbing (high impact/fat loss/muscle tone), jumping rope (high impact/fat loss/muscle tone), HIIT (high impact/fat loss/endurance/muscle tone), sprinting (high impact/fat loss/endurance/muscle tone), plyometrics (high impact/fat loss/endurance/muscle tone), and hill running (high impact/fat loss/endurance/muscle tone).


When it comes to cardio selection tips, frequency is an important factor to consider. You should aim to incorporate cardio into your bodybuilding or training routine at least three days a week, and ideally five days a week. This will help you increase your endurance and maximize the results of your workouts. It’s also important to find a balance between the duration and intensity of your cardio exercises; for example, if you increase the duration of your cardio session, you should lower the intensity.

This is especially important for those just starting out with cardio exercise. When planning your weekly cardio routine, make sure to plan for rest days as well as active days. Rest days are just as important as training days, as they provide your body with time to recover and build muscle. As you become more experienced with cardio exercise, you may find that increasing the frequency of your cardio sessions helps you reach your goals faster.


When it comes to cardio selection for bodybuilding and training, it's important to incorporate a variety of different exercises.

Not only will this help prevent boredom, but it will also work different muscle groups and help you achieve better results. For instance, if you are using the same type of exercise every day, your muscles may become used to the activity and the results may plateau. By incorporating different activities into your routine, you can continually challenge your body and keep your progress going. Some of the different types of cardio exercises to consider include running, cycling, swimming, elliptical machines, rowing machines, and other aerobic activities such as kickboxing and Zumba.

Experimenting with different exercises can help you find what works best for you and your goals.


is the key to success when it comes to cardio selection for bodybuilding and training. By combining different types of exercise, you can maximize your results and reach your goals faster.


When it comes to selecting the duration of your cardio exercise, there are a few things to consider.

First, you should determine how much time you have available to devote to your workout. The amount of time you can spend on cardio will determine which types of exercises you can do and how long they should last. If you don't have much time, then shorter, higher-intensity workouts may be best. If you have more time available, then longer, lower-intensity workouts may be more suitable.

The second factor to consider when selecting the duration of your cardio exercise is the type of exercise you plan to do. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and steady-state cardio are two popular types of cardio exercises. HIIT is typically done for shorter durations, while steady-state cardio is usually done for longer durations. Finally, it's important to think about your fitness goals when selecting the duration of your cardio exercise.

If your goal is weight loss, then shorter, higher-intensity workouts can be beneficial. If your goal is to improve endurance and aerobic capacity, then longer, lower-intensity workouts may be necessary. No matter what type of cardio exercise you choose, it's important to listen to your body and adjust the duration accordingly. If you find yourself becoming overly fatigued or feeling lightheaded during a workout, take a break or reduce the intensity.


When choosing the intensity of your cardio exercise, it's important to find the balance between pushing yourself and staying within your limits.

High intensity cardio can help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, but it can also increase your risk of injury if done incorrectly. Low intensity exercise can help you get into better shape while also allowing you to recover more quickly. Depending on your bodybuilding or training goals, you should choose the intensity that is right for you. For those looking to build muscle, low intensity cardio may be the best option. This type of exercise will help you burn fat while also preserving muscle mass.

Moderate intensity cardio can also be beneficial for muscle building, since it will help you increase both your aerobic and anaerobic capacity. It’s important to make sure you’re not overdoing it though, as this type of exercise can be quite taxing on the body. For those looking to lose weight, high intensity cardio may be the way to go. It’s important to understand that high intensity exercise can be dangerous if done incorrectly, so it’s best to start with lower intensity exercise and gradually build up. When doing high intensity cardio, it’s important to monitor your heart rate and make sure you don’t push yourself too hard.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to get in shape quickly and safely. No matter what type of bodybuilding or training plan you’re following, it’s important to choose the right type of cardio exercise for your goals. Low intensity exercise can help preserve muscle mass while high intensity exercises can help you burn fat quickly. It’s important to find the balance between pushing yourself and staying within your limits in order to achieve the best results. Cardio exercises are an important part of any bodybuilding or training plan. Choosing the right type of exercise can help maximize your results and make reaching your goals easier.

When selecting a cardio exercise, it is important to consider factors such as intensity, duration, frequency, and variety. With these tips in mind, you can select a cardio exercise that is perfect for you and your goals.

Mitchell Gies
Mitchell Gies

Wannabe internet trailblazer. Hipster-friendly coffee advocate. General bacon buff. General burrito scholar. Incurable social media enthusiast.

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